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Hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm with topological time-varying and search disturbance
ZHOU Wenfeng, LIANG Xiaolei, TANG Kexin, LI Zhanghong, FU Xiuwen
Journal of Computer Applications    2020, 40 (7): 1913-1918.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2019112022
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Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is easy to be premature and drop into the local optimum and cannot jump out when solving complex multimodal functions. Related researches show that changing the topological structure among particles and adjusting the updating mechanism are helpful to improve the diversity of the population and the optimization ability of the algorithm. Therefore, a Hybrid PSO with Topological time-varying and Search disturbance (HPSO-TS) was proposed. In the algorithm, a K-medoids clustering algorithm was adapted to cluster the particle swarm dynamically for forming several heterogeneous subgroups, so as to facilitate the information flow among the particles in the subgroups. In the speed updating, by adding the guide of the optimal particle of the swarm and introducing the disturbance of nonlinear changing extreme, the particles were able to search more areas. Then, the transformation probability of the Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) was introduced into the position updating process, so the particles were able to transform their states between the global search and the local search. In the global search, a lioness foraging mechanism in the lion swarm optimization algorithm was introduced to update the positions of the particles; while in the local search, a sinusoidal disturbance factor was applied to help particles jump out of the local optimum. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to FPA, PSO, Improved PSO (IPSO) algorithm and PSO algorithm with Topology (PSO-T) in the accuracy and robustness. With the increase of testing dimension and times, these advantages are more and more obvious. The topological time-varying strategy and search disturbance mechanism introduced by this algorithm can effectively improve the diversity of population and the activity of particles, so as to improve the optimization ability.
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